Quantum ATM

Struggling to Make Ends Meet

Everything we want and designed for us is in the Quantum Field. We just need to believe it is, expand our energy, and touch it. Yes, it is that simple!

Many of you know that I am a single mom. I have been a single parent since before my son was born. One of the main concerns many single parents will tell you is having enough money to support their children’s needs. We want so much to provide the best possible life for our children and give them all the things we never received as a child. BUT there are expensive bills, rent/ mortgage, food, gas, school, and so much more that becomes the focus of whatever money you have earned, not often leaving enough for much else. Even though money is not the entire focus for caring for your children, the truth is when you are financially struggling to make ends meet, it can be hard.

My son, Cole, who I am very proud of (and yes, I am incredibly biased about) will be graduating from high school in two weeks (lots of deep breathing as I write that sentence). As you know, there is a lot that you must do and pay for during this exciting time. Cole’s dad’s family is coming into town to see and be part of this special milestone. His dad’s family is very large with many great-aunts and aunts, great-uncles and uncles, first, second, and third cousins and so on. Cole’s one request that he wanted is to have a luncheon with all our friends and family. My worry has been, “How will I pay for 20 or more guests?” I have been saving a little here and there but realized that the list of guests keeps increasing. The more I save, the more guests become added to the list.

Miracles Do Happen When We Believe

This morning I woke up very early (thank you Spirit) and decided that I would use the much-needed time to meditate and connect with the angels and my spirit gang. I wanted to share my worries and ask for guidance on what I could to do more of to ensure that my son and everyone coming to share his special moment have a nice time. Spirit reminded me to listen to an activation and teaching that my friend and mentor, did awhile back on money. Now, I have listened to these recording numerous times, but this time it was different. A light bulb came on and I was reminded that everything we need, everything that was designed and created for us is in the Quantum Field.

I immediately centered myself and expanded my energy into the Quantum Field. It was there that I saw all the possibilities of what I needed. I reached into the timeline to see how I would be able to bring the money I needed to me. I saw beautiful new clients, a chance to save extra money, and then there was something else I couldn’t quite see but could feel its positive energy. Grounding back into myself, I felt confident that I would not have to worry about a thing. Thanking my spirit guides for showing me my very own Quantum ATM (my spirit gang’s words, not mine), I promised them that I will no longer worry, and I have complete faith that all will be taken care of.

The Universe Has Your Back

The hardest part of letting go and having faith is believing that no matter what you are always provided for. We have been taught that we must go outside of ourselves to find what we need. This limiting belief often leaves us feeling stuck, stops us from moving forward, or even worse experiencing fear that we don’t have enough. None of these false paradigms are true. Another conditioned program that we have been taught is that desiring to have money is bad when in fact, money carries a very high vibrational frequency. When it is out in the Quantum Field, the frequencies of love, joy, happiness, and gratitude surrounds money. It’s when money begins moving through the funnel of the other dimensions that it accumulates negative and low vibrational frequencies and debris. Going directly to the source of where money is in the Quantum Field without placing expectations or stories around it gives the universe a chance to create and manifest it in the perfect way for YOU.  

That morning I went on with my day not giving this money thing another thought, when I kept feeling nudged to go get the mail. Putting it off and saying to myself that I will get it later, spirit decided that it wasn’t going to let it go. And, when spirit doesn’t let it go, it must be important. So, whatever was in the mailbox had to be important. Grabbing the key, I trekked out to the mailbox. Shuffling through the mail, I saw advertisement after advertisement, bill after bill (stink face), and then there was a card from our aunt. Opening it up the card, a check fell out onto the floor. Rather puzzled but also very grateful for the kind gift, I picked it up to find a rather large amount written on the check. You could imagine the surprise on my face. The card read, “Here is the money for Cole’s graduation luncheon. I love you.” The universe delivered.

Infinite Possibilities Await Us

When you are feeling as though you may be stuck between a rock and hard place (as my dad always said to me), know that the universe has infinite possibilities that are there waiting for us to reach out and grab. Truth is, you can create any timeline you want if it is meant to be yours. All you need to do is ask for it to be shown to you and trust without expectation. One thing is for sure, when we are open-minded and open-hearted, miracles do come to us in many amazing ways. Thank you, universe, and thank you Aunt R.

