The Forgotten One: Multidimensional Beings

When you hear multidimensional what do you think of? What about when you hear multidimensional beings? Many believe that multidimensional beings are extraterrestrials, angels, or spirit guides. Yes, that is true but so our humans. Are you surprised by this? Let me explain further.

What are Multidimensional Beings?

Multidimensional beings are those who simultaneously have other lives and other incarnations in different dimensions. Humans are multidimensional but they do not realize their physical experience is an illusion. This is because when we incarnated on to this earth plane, we incarnate with amnesia that causes us to forget who we are, where we came from, and the contracts that we made in each dimension. Our simultaneous lives are different aspects of who we are. It is out multidimensionality that explains the meaning behind the saying, “we are spiritual beings having a human experience”.  Humans, as well as the Universe are far more complex than scientists or anyone for that matter would have you believe.

Dimensions in the Here and Now

Trying to wrap you head around the idea that we are existing in other dimensions at the same time can be extremely complicated. Even in this moment, you may be sitting on the couch watching television while another aspect of yourself is swimming in a beautiful lake. But also know, that even in the here and now, we are moving through different dimension. Let’s break it down.

The Four Different Dimensions

Physical dimension (3rd dimension): We can experience what it means to be a physical being by touching bodies, objects, breathing, eating, seeing, and more. As we experience physicality, we are experiencing the world through our human existence.

Emotional Dimension (4th dimension): As humans, we have a wide spectrum of emotions that we can feel and experience. These emotions range from high frequencies of love and joy to low frequencies of hate and anger. When we tune into our emotions, with our heart centers, we start to enter the fourth dimension. It is here that we can no longer see or touch, but we know that it exists because we can feel that it does.

Mind Dimension (3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions): Our minds are part of our multidimensionality. We have both the lower mind and the higher mind (also known as the higher self). By mastering our minds, we can reduce the influence our lower mind has on how we live our lives. How do we do this? By making a focused effort to connect with our higher mind. Have you ever had a conversation with yourself inside you mind only to realize that the information you are “sharing with yourself” is coming through quite profoundly and wise? This is how you are connecting to your higher mind. Our feelings and mind often work closely together, but not exclusively. For example, when you identify as being a victim, the mind projects that reality, thus creating strong emotions that are felt. This reinforces our “limiting belief” that we are in fact, a victim.

Energetic Body Dimension (4th dimension): You may know of or have heard people talk about their chakras. Chakras are the energy centers that allows our bodies to function. Our energetic bodies function from the energy that resides in and flows through them. When one or more of these energy centers are imbalanced it can create physical, emotional, and spiritual issues for us.  

Light Body Dimension (5th dimension and beyond): This is our crystalline body that contains all the light codes waiting to be integrated and embodied. As we continue to evolve, these codes activate within us allowing us to become closer to the true blueprint of our being.   

The Over-Soul  

Many of us are familiar with the soul; however, there are many others that dismiss this idea. Those that believe in the soul often feel the presence of something greater within themselves. Our over-soul is the higher part of us, it is our consciousness. It is beyond our thoughts, emotions, ego, and body.

The over-soul has infinite projections, and we are only one of those projections. Each one of those projections is experiencing different situations, people, places, and scenarios that allow the over-soul to learn and expand. It may feel that we are only living in one reality, but in fact, we are living in many different parallel realities. Believe it or not, we choose to live in this lifetime because we agreed to have specific experiences for the over-soul to also experience.

The greater consciousness created itself to experience over and over again. As we created and designed who we were going to be, it was our decision to be placed in this precise time, while knowing that other aspects of our self will be in other dimensions and parallel lives. We may find that in our parallel lives we have the same body, but an entirely different family, living in another country, speaking another language, liking and disliking different things.

Everything and every lifetime are happening all at once. But how is this happening? Within the 3rd dimension, we see things within linear time. Everything that we know in this physical reality takes place in what I like to refer to as movie clips. It is all happening in succession of one another. However, in the quantum, there is no such things as time and space.

 Embodying our Multidimensionality

As we continue to exist in this dimensional world, we are being given the opportunity to self-actualize just as we are doing in other dimensions. Part of the experience we volunteered for is to realize that everything in the Universe is based on love, connection, abundance, harmony, unity, and freedom. No matter what the experience may be, we have the free will to choose to perceive it through either low or high vibrational frequencies. When we choose to perceive the world through higher vibrations we can embody more and more of our Divinity. By anchoring ourselves through our heart centers (love) we access all our multidimensional selves in whatever reality we choose.

You are a multidimensional being and are much more than what you physically experience. You are integral part of the entire Universe and are consciousness that is present on many levels of reality all at once.


Consciousness the Creator


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