We Were Never Meant to Be in a Box

We were never made to stay in one place. We were meant to have experiences and, in those experience, we find growth and expansion. Oftentimes, when our soul is asking us to move forward our human self is afraid. It doesn’t want to leave the familiar space of comfort. No matter how hard we try to stay in that place of going nowhere, our souls won’t allow it because it loves us too much.

The Shifts of Change

I have mentioned that recently I have been going through some major changes and shifts in my life that are creating shifts in my business as well. There are moments when these shifts feel amazing. Then these shifts begin to induce fear, doubt, worry that I may fail, and the list goes on and on. The negative thoughts consume me, echoing loudly telling me, “What are doing? You can’t do this. Are you out of your mind? Only experienced healers can do these things. You are crazy if you believe this path is meant for you.” I am sure all of you have experienced this in some form and from time to time. It can become disheartening and quite scary. All the things that make you want to turn around and run as fast as you can back to what feels safe.

As I allowed those thoughts to consume me rather than allow them to come in and go out, I too wanted to go back to where I came from. After all, it was working for me. People appeared to be happy with what I was doing for them, but the nagging feeling of “I am not where I am meant to be yet” constantly lingered in the background. Was all this really working for me and for my highest and best good? Or am I clinging to a false belief that is keep me from finding my true purpose. I needed to check-in with this.

The Box

It was time to get quiet. As I sat with my mind consciousness, I heard, “Maybe we should be doing more. Maybe we are doing it all wrong. We need to work harder.” Then, my body consciousness spoke up and said, “Stepping out can be scary, I think I will remain small so that I can’t be seen”. Finally, my ego said, “We don’t know what we are doing, and the old ways are safer”. The chatter within began to get louder and louder, when finally, I said, “Stop!” and all went silent.

It was time for my Spirit to speak. It showed all of them the truths behind these false thought forms and paradigms. It gently and lovingly began telling them that when we are choosing to stay small, we keep ourselves inside a box and that box becomes lonely and suffocating. Any sense of hope dissipates, and we become so small that we do not believe we can leave the box at any time. But know, we are given infinite chances to climb out, but because we chose to remain small, we cannot see the limitless opportunities and possibilities that are meant for us to experience.

Next, it showed all three how wonderful it felt to swim in the frequencies of excitement. To swim in the frequencies of infinite possibilities. To swim in the sea of pure unconditional love and support. Then my Spirit said, “When we choose to follow the passion of our soul, we are never alone. Guidance is at every turn and in every corner of our being. We must listen and trust it because it will always give you exactly what you need. No more, no less. Our comfort is not in remaining the same, but in knowing that through the lessons our soul experiences it can constantly grow into its greatest potential and become its true essence. Only then, will we ever truly understand all the magic that we possess.”

The Truth Revealed

As I sat in silence, my mind began to see all the opportunities in the shifts that are happening. It spoke softly to my Spirit and said, “I am enough”.  My ego let go of the negative frequencies of fear, doubt, and the belief that I may fail. It spoke softly to my Spirit saying, “The old way is too constricting. It does not work anymore. I will only allow the frequencies of love, hope, understanding, and compassion enter this field to allow freedom of expansion.” My body spoke to my Spirit and said, “I choose to climb out of the box so that I may stretch myself to the far ends of the universe and never stop.”  Then, my mind, body, and ego blended back into my Spirit, and I heard my Spirit say, ‘We are whole once again.”

Growth can be hard because it feels as though we are entering into the unknown. Our foundation turns from solid ground to sand. It is when we walk in the sand, that we begin to see who and what we are made of. We begin to see that when we combine all that we have learned we being to alchemize the sand back into the solid ground that we need. It is impossible for us to remain in the same place forever. Second to second, minute to minute, hour to hour we are changing in some way. Don’t try to stuff your soul in a box. Allow it to come forward and breathe in the limitless energy that it is meant to explore. Allow it to play, and to be free.


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