The Could Haves, the Should Haves, and the Would Haves of Depression and the What ifs of Anxiety: How to Heal Depression and Anxiety Using Hypno-Energy Healing?

When we experience the “could haves”, the “should haves”, and “would haves” of depression or the “what ifs” of anxiety we are living in the past. We are feeling the low vibrational frequencies of guilt, shame, regret, worry, overwhelm, and so much more. It is crucial for us to step out of this past and into the present where we are experiencing the energy of the NOW. This can be difficult because human beings are hardwired to use our past experiences to make sense of our present. It is true that our past helps guide us and provides the information we need for in the NOW moment for decision making. However, when accessing past experiences, we need to not allow ourselves to slip back onto the that timeline and stay there. When we go to the past it is important for us to only bring forward the frequency of knowledge so that we can use the information in a way that helps us navigate our current situation. Once we allow ourselves to become planted back onto the timeline of the past, we experience the frequencies as if they are happening to us again. This connects to all the other timelines and experiences that also had the same frequency, known as memory chains, and we get stuck in subroutine that is continuously cycles that same pattern thus creating the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The same concept applies to anxiety. Anxiety is created when we are always living in the future rather than living in the NOW (or present) but where does this information come from that creates discomfort, stress, overwhelm, and dis-ease. For our minds to “live” in the future we step back into the past to retrieve information that causes us to project what we believe could happen or might happen into the future. Therefore, the program that is replaying in the subconscious is one from the past. The difference is how the subroutine (pattern) is functioning. Is the subroutine staying in the past without projection (depression) or is it in the past with projection (anxiety).

Often, the results from the “haves” and the “ifs” are symptoms and sub symptoms of the unhealthy program that replay like an awful movie inside the subconscious mind. This can cause those symptoms (and sub symptoms) such as sadness, nervousness, insomnia, hypersomnia, anger, etc. to ping around your entire field like a pin ball machine. And that is exactly what is happening as the energy from the memory chains attached to the issue within the mind bounces from memory packet to memory packet within the emotional body energy field. The way that we free ourselves from this torturous cyclical pattern is learning how to work through these patterns by accessing the energy within the subconscious and locating where the energy has attached to the memory packets that are within the emotional body energy field.

As human beings we naturally want to resolve uncomfortable emotions and feelings. What makes us uncomfortable are the symptoms (and sub symptoms) linked to the root cause of the original issue. These symptoms create disharmony within our human container creating incoherencies within our internal environment that we try to resolve on a conscious level. The bad news is symptoms either return, often with more intensity, or they transmute into new symptoms. Instead of healing the issue, we have only band-aided it because the root cause, which is hidden deep in the subconscious, has not been given an opportunity to process and reprogram. The symptoms trigger the frequencies attached to the unhealthy pattern (subroutine) which communicates to them to play what is known as a feedback loop. The other bad news is the conscious mind cannot go into the subconscious to locate it. Why? We cannot access both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind simultaneously. When the problem returns it is because we are trying to fix the problem on a conscious level, instead healing it at the subconscious level. Only then can we go to it, through it, and beyond it.

Hypno-Energy Healing is a simple exploratory conversation using the right activation words and phrases, which can access the subconscious mind and gives it freedom to process through the unhealthy patterns that play out in our conscious life. Through processing, the subconscious can locate alternative positive resources to create the change we are wanting and needing. By separating the conscious mind from the subconscious mind, it prevents the conscious mind from stepping in the way and stops it from categorizing, judging, and analyzing the healing information that we already have within us. When the spiritual world tells us we have everything within that we need to heal, we absolutely do. It is just a matter of accessing creative energy inside the subconscious and allowing it the opportunity to bring forward resources that work for us rather than against us.   


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